Get Help Writing Great Content To Bring Your Site To Life


If you’re a content marketer, you know how important it is to have a steady supply of content ideas. Without these ideas, you’re unable to create content that resonates with your target audience, engage your readers, and drive conversions.

But coming up with blog ideas can be a challenge. It can be hard to come up with fresh, innovative ideas that will capture the attention of your readers and make them come back for more.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you Generate Great Blog Ideas. We’ll show you 15 reliable methods for generating great blog ideas, from customer feedback to keyword research. But remember if you need a Content Marketing Agency to help, then we can manage the whole process for you.

Ready to get started! Let’s jump right in…


1. Use Customer Feedback

One of the best sources for blog ideas is customer feedback. Your customers are the ones who are actually experiencing your product or service, so their input can give you valuable insights into what topics they’d like to read about.

Look at your customer support emails, survey responses, and social media comments to get an idea of the topics your customers are interested in. You can also use online forums to find out what questions people have about your industry. With this information, you can create content that’s tailored to their needs.


2. Brainstorm with Your Team

Brainstorming with your team can be a great way to generate blog ideas. Set aside some time to get everyone together and let them come up with ideas for blog topics. You can also use brainstorming apps, such as Stormboard, to facilitate the process.

Make sure that everyone has a chance to contribute and be open to all ideas. You never know where your next great blog idea might come from!


3. Take a Look at Your Competitors

Checking out what your competitors are up to can be a great way to generate blog ideas. Look at their content and see what topics they’re covering. You can also use tools such as BuzzSumo to find out what content is performing well in your industry. If you’re a HubSpot kinda guy/girl then check out their Blog Ideas Generator

Once you’ve identified some topics, you can use them as a starting point to create your own content. Just make sure to put your own spin on it and add value with your own unique insights.


4. Look at Trends in Your Industry

Staying up to date with the latest trends in your industry is a great way to generate blog ideas. Look at industry publications, trade shows, conferences, and other events to find out what people are talking about. You can also use tools such as Google Trends to see what topics are trending.

Once you’ve identified a trend, you can use it as a starting point for a blog post. Just make sure to do your research and provide your own insights and analysis.


5. Take a Look at Your Analytics

Your analytics data is a great source for blog ideas. Look at your website analytics to see which content is performing well and which topics people are searching for. You can also use tools such as Google Search Console to find out which keywords people are using to search for content related to your industry.

With this information, you can create content around topics that people are already interested in, increasing the chances of it resonating with your audience. With the new Google Analytics 4.0, you can monitor interactions across platforms and devices to get the latest data.


6. Talk to Influencers

Reaching out to influencers in your industry is another great way to generate blog ideas. Ask them what topics they think are important and what topics they’d like to see covered in more depth. Find influencers in your industry and see what topics they’re talking about.

Once you’ve identified some topics, you can use them as a starting point for your own content. Just make sure to give credit to the influencers you’ve talked to and link to their content.


7. Leverage Your Employees

Your employees can be a great source of blog ideas. Ask them what topics they think would be interesting for your target audience. They may have unique insights into your industry that you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else.

You can also ask your employees to write blog posts. This will give them the opportunity to showcase their expertise and give your blog a fresh perspective.


8. Use Social Listening

Social listening is a great way to generate blog ideas. Use tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Mention to track conversations about your industry. Look for topics that are being discussed and see if there’s an opportunity to create content around them.

You can also use social listening to track conversations about your competitors. This can give you valuable insights into what topics people are interested in and what kind of content resonates with them.


9. Artificial Intelligence with ChatGPT

Use the power of tech to generate you some blog topic ideas. Head over to the Open AI and start asking ChatGPT what your audience are into. You can even ask it to write you some snazzy blog titles.


10. Leverage Your Existing Content

If you’ve already created some content, use it as a source for blog ideas. Look at the topics you’ve already covered and see if you can expand on them. Look for related topics that you haven’t covered and use them as starting points for new content.

You can also use your existing content to come up with ideas for series. For example, if you’ve written a blog post about a specific topic, you can use it as a starting point to create an entire series of blog posts that explore the topic in more depth.


11. Use News Alerts

Set up news alerts for topics related to your industry. This will notify you whenever there is news or a new development related to your industry.

You can then use this news as a starting point for blog posts. For example, if there’s a new law or regulation related to your industry, you can create a blog post about it and explain how it affects your readers.


12. Answer Questions

One of the best ways to come up with blog ideas is to answer questions. Look at forums and Q&A sites such as Quora and Reddit to see what questions people have about your industry.

You can then use these questions as starting points for blog posts. Make sure to provide detailed answers and include relevant examples.


13. Interview Experts

Interviewing experts can be a great way to generate blog ideas. Reach out to experts in your industry and ask them to share their insights. This can give you valuable insights into topics that people are interested in and provide you with ideas for blog posts.

You can also use this opportunity to showcase the expertise of your team. Ask them questions about their area of expertise and use their answers as the basis for blog posts.


14. Use Surveys

Surveys can be a great way to generate blog ideas. Ask your readers what topics they’d like to see covered and use their answers as a starting point for your content.

You can also use surveys to find out what topics people are struggling with. This can give you valuable insights into problems that your audience is facing and provide you with topics to write about.


15. Get Inspiration from Books and Podcasts

Finally, don’t forget to look outside your industry for inspiration. Look for books and podcasts related to your industry and see if there are any ideas that you can use.

You can also use this as an opportunity to learn more about your industry. Reading books and listening to podcasts can give you valuable insights that you can use to create content that resonates with your audience.


Need Content Writing Support – We’re Here To Help

Generating great blog ideas doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the right strategies and tools, you can come up with fresh, innovative ideas that will engage your readers and make them come back for more.


Iconic Digital is a Content Marketing Agency in London. We help our clients to write blogs, produce great looking white papers and even longer form articles like this one! Why not start a live chat with one of our real people 24/7 or watch some of our cool videos to take your marketing to the next level.


We hope this guide has provided you with some useful strategies for generating blog ideas. From leveraging customer feedback to getting inspiration from books and podcasts, these methods can help you come up with content that resonates with your audience and drives conversions.

Good luck!