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According to recent research, 66% of online consumers are in the habit of checking their emails multiple times every day. Around 13% of online consumers are even more committed to their inboxes, checking them several times every hour. Given the compulsion that many of us feel to delve into our inboxes on a regular basis, it’s probably no surprise that email marketing remains one of the best ways to improve customer engagement, increase profits and establish better brand awareness. However, this is not the only reason why email is here to stay.
While marketing trends may come and go, email has firmly established itself as a go to for any brand keen to do better over the long-term. The first email was sent back in 1971 when programmer Ray Tomlinson essentially sent himself a test email that consisted of “QWERTYUIOP.” In 2017, around 269 billion emails were sent and received every single day around the globe. And by 2020, this figure is set to increase to 333 billion emails a day. So, email is so much more than just another marketing fad.
It’s often difficult to measure the return on investment where marketing activities are concerned. Not so with email – according to the Direct Marketing Association (UK), for every pound that is spent on email marketing, ROI of £38 is generated. That’s a pretty impressive return for a type of marketing that doesn’t require a vast amount of resources to organise. One of the main reasons that email marketing appeals so widely is that it’s incredibly affordable. It doesn’t take much to launch an email marketing campaign and start to generate results.
When compared to social media, email has a much higher conversion rate. In fact, conversion rates from email are three times higher than you can expect from social media. Plus their value is 17% higher too. Given that conversions are such a key metric for strategic marketing decisions, the fact that email is such an easy to monitor type of marketing is a huge benefit too.
If customer acquisition is a key goal for your business in 2019 then email marketing is a great a means to this end. Why? Well because it’s one of the most effective ways to acquire new customers. In fact, it’s 40 times more effective than the combined might of both Twitter and Facebook when it comes to customer acquisition.
When you’re using social platforms you are very much at the mercy of their (constantly changing) terms and conditions. With email the messages your brand delivers are entirely within your control to define. All the data you acquire this way is your own and something like an algorithm change won’t suddenly throw all your efforts off focus.
These are just some of the reasons why email marketing is here to stay. If you’d like to find new ways to make email marketing work for you we can help – contact us to find out more today on 020 7100 0726.