Google Ads provides opportunities to get insight into how your website is doing in terms of conversions. The conversion tracking feature means that you can view the meaningful actions that are being completed on your website and analyse whether you’re making the right choices in terms of marketing spend. However, in order to really use this function well you need to understand how to get the best from it. These are just some of the ways that you can improve conversions on your Google Ad campaigns.

Every business needs conversions tracking

However, it’s not just about setting this up and then letting it roll. There are plenty of mistakes that many brands make when it comes to tracking conversions on Google Ad campaigns. If you want to see improvements then you need to make sure that you have the following covered.

    • Ensure you’re tracking the right actions. The information for this is going to come from your customer journey – a longer sales cycle or a customer journey that is more complicated or lengthy could mean that conversion doesn’t simply happen after an ad. Sometimes, tracking actions such as downloading a whitepaper or signing up for a newsletter is actually more valuable.


    • Don’t panic if you’re not seeing any conversion data. Unless you’re just seeing zeros then there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with the setup. There are changes that you may have made to the account that could have created a dip in performance, including lowering budgets or even just having historically flat activity at this time of year – go back and check change history to be sure.


    • Make sure you’ve added all the conversions that you want to track. Even when this is set up you can still go in and amend it. Remember that you can also remove conversions you no longer want to track to make sure that you’re only seeing streamlined data.


    • Get clear on how to interpret your conversion actions. For example, if you are seeing conversion data but you’re not sure what it means for your customer journey, or what the conversion actually is, you might need some extra support on how to make sense of the data you generate – there are limits to what Google Ads itself can do.


    • Remember that conversions can be slow for a particular action. For example, you might see “tag inactive” or “no recent conversions.” All this means is that there have been no conversions in the past 7 days (for “no recent conversions”) or 30 days (for “tag inactive”) – it doesn’t mean that the conversions aren’t tracking properly.


    • Make sure you add tracking when you add new landing pages. A brand new page won’t have any old tags on it and so will need to be set up completely from scratch.


  • Regularly audit your setup. You may need to leverage the Conversions section of Google Ads as well as the Google Tag Manager so as to highlight any particular weaknesses in your tracking. Then it may be necessary to reinstall tracking tags or reformulate what is being tracked to ensure you’re still getting what you need from it.

If your Google Ad campaigns conversions could do with some improvement these simple steps will make a big difference.Find out how Iconic Digital can help your businesses advertising across all ads, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Paid Advertising agency in London.